Wednesday, November 27, 2019


INFORMATION ICT as a CareerThe ICT field is developing on a dailybasis and there is no telling how thisscene will be in the next ten or soyears. Twenty years ago, ICT as acareer was not known especially withcomputers. Fixed telephones were notused vastly especially in the developingworld; with the advent of mobiletelephones though, the subscriber basehas increased. Developing countries arenow being targeted for their hugepotential.The main advantage if ICT as a career isthat it is dynamic, it is foreverchanging. This creates newopportunities in this sector; forinstance, new communication hardwareand software is being created. Thiscreates new opportunities in teaching;the instructors always have to be up todate.The requirements for one to join the ICTsector are varied. With knowledge inMicrosoft word, excel and access, youcan get a job as a data entry clerk.Toget higher up the ladder, you wouldneed an undergraduate degree or amaster's degree in the related field.Training of personnel in the ICT s ector isrelatively inexpensive but you will needto make sure that the quality ofeducation is up to the mark.ICT creates motivation. when Bill Gatesfounded Microsoft, he had a vision ofhaving every computer in homes andoffices running his Microsoft software.This has shaped the way we all live andcommunicate in today's world.Entrepreneurship that is being createdby ICT is enormous. Cyber cafes arepopping up everywhere; people have tocheck their e-mails almost on a dailybasis. Print media is being replaced bythe internet where daily papers arebeing distributed, news channels alsooffer broadband video streaming andhome made pod-casts are on theincrease. ICT is lucrative because of the...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Be an Amazing and Successful Substitute Teacher

How to Be an Amazing and Successful Substitute Teacher Substitute teaching is one of the most difficult jobs in education. It is also one of the most important. It takes a remarkable person to be able to adapt effectively to all the situations that will be thrown at them as a substitute teacher. Substitute teachers are used in virtually every school across the country every day. It is vital for school administrators to compose a list of top notch people who can successfully substitute teach. Flexibility and adaptability are probably the two most important characteristics that a substitute teacher must possess. They must be flexible due to the fact that they are often not called until the morning of the day they are needed. They must be adaptable because they could be subbing in a second-grade classroom one day and a high school English class the next. There are even times when their assignment will change from the time they are called to the time they actually arrive. Although it is beneficial for a substitute to be a certified teacher, it is not a requirement or necessity. A person without formal training in education can be a successful substitute. Being a good substitute teacher starts with an understanding of what you are expected to do and also knowing that the students are going to test the waters to see what they can get away with and be equipped to deal with any obstacles. Before You Sub Some school districts require new substitutes to attend some type of formal training before they are placed on the substitute list while others do not. No matter the case, you should always try to schedule a short meeting to introduce yourself to the building principal. Use this time to let them know who you are, ask them for any advice, and find out any specific protocol they may have for substitute teachers. Sometimes it is impossible to meet with the teacher but always do so if you have the opportunity. Although meeting the teacher in person is ideal, a simple phone conversation can be extremely beneficial. The teacher can walk you through their schedule, provide you with specific details, and give you a lot of other relevant information that will make your day go smoother. Always try to obtain a copy of the school’s student handbook. Have a solid understanding of what the school expects from their students and teachers. Some schools may even have a substitute policy designed to protect substitutes from poor student behavior. Carry the student handbook with you and refer to it when necessary. Don’t be afraid to ask the principal or a teacher for clarification. It is essential to understand that every district has its own unique student handbook. While there will be similarities, there will also be significant differences. It is essential that you learn each school’s procedures for emergency situations such as a fire, tornado, or lock-down. Taking the time to have a firm understanding of what is expected of you in these situations can save lives. In addition to knowing the overall protocol for an emergency situation, it is also vital that you have knowledge of emergency routes specific to the room you are subbing in as well as how to lock the door if necessary. Being professional starts with how you dress. Make sure that you know the district’s dress code for teachers and adhere to it. It is equally crucial to understand that you are working with minors. Use appropriate language, don’t try to be their friends, and don’t get too personal with them. Meet with the School PrincipalVisit with the TeacherKnow the Student HandbookKnow Emergency ProtocolBe Professional While You Sub Arriving early is a key component of your day. There are so many things a substitute needs to do to ensure that they have a fantastic day before school begins. The first thing they need to do is to report to the appropriate place. After checking in, a substitute should spend the remainder of their time looking over the daily schedule and the lesson plans, making sure that they have a clear understanding of the material they will be required to teach that day. Getting to know the teachers in the rooms around you can provide you with a lot of assistance. They will likely be able to help you with questions specific to the schedule and the content. They may also be able to give you additional tips specific to your students that could benefit you. Finally, it can be beneficial to build a relationship with these teachers because you may have the opportunity to sub for them at some point. Every teacher runs their room different, but the overall makeup of the students in the room will always be the same. You will always have students who are class clowns, others who are quiet, and those that simply want to help. You want to identify the handful of students that will be helpful throughout the day quickly. These students can assist you with finding materials in the classroom, making sure you stay on schedule, etc. The classroom teacher will be able to tell you whom these students are if you are able to visit with them beforehand. This is the single most crucial component of being an effective substitute teacher. Students of all ages are going to push a substitute to see what they can get away with. Start the day off by setting your own expectations and rules. Don’t let them get away with anything. Hold them accountable for their actions and don’t be afraid to assign them consequences. If this doesn’t get their attention, then go ahead and refer them to the principal. Word will spread that you’re a no-nonsense substitute, and students will begin to challenge you less and less making your job much easier in the long run. The single biggest thing that will bother a regular classroom teacher about a substitute is for the substitute to deviate from their plans. The teacher leaves specific assignments that they fully expect to be completed when they return. Deviating or not completing these activities is seen as disrespectful, and you can bet that they will ask the principal not to put that substitute back in their room. Arrive EarlyGet to Know Surrounding TeachersIdentify the HelpersBe StrictStay on Task After You Sub A teacher wants to know how your day went. It is beneficial to include students that were helpful as well as the students that gave you problems. Be detailed including what they did and how you handled it. Address any issues you may have had with the curriculum. Finally, let them know that you enjoyed being in their classroom and give them your phone number to contact you should they have any additional questions. It is important that you leave the room in as good of or better condition than it was when you arrived. Do not let students leave materials or books strung out all over the room. At the end of the day, take a few minutes to have the students help pick up trash on the floor and get the classroom back in order. Leave a NoteStraighten the Room

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discussion 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Discussion 5 - Essay Example Their lifestyles are the subject of every news and media publication that is known to be saleable and universally appealing. The mentioning of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones’ wedding that amounted to â€Å"$1 million to entertain a guest list† (Rothman 192) was an example of this concept. Another relevant term is ‘class consciousness’ which is defined as a general awareness of distinctions in social classes that encompass knowledge on terms such as class awareness, class identification, class solidarity and class action (Rothman 207). As disclosed, the concept of class consciousness ranges from â€Å"the most basic and minimum acknowledgement that there is a hierarch of social classes to participation in overt action to enhance class-based shared interests† (Rothman 207). One strongly believes that class consciousness differs in level and scope of understanding depending also on the stratification of people in society. The information presented under the Quiet Millionaires written by Rothman (193) was likewise interesting and informative in terms of providing greater and significant insights on the lifestyles of a different segment of the rich and famous people, but those who opt to remain private and confidential in their respective endeavors. One of the noted personalities who exemplify this lifestyle was noted as Warren Buffet. As disclosed, â€Å"Warren Buffet, worth over $12 billion dollars, still lives in the same home he bought for $31,500 in 1958† (Rothman 193). The contents are highly indicative that not all rich and famous people lead an extravagant and a life of conspicuous consumption. There are also many who have returned and shared their riches through philanthropic endeavors, such as Bill and Melinda Gates, Michael and Susan Dell, and Ted Turner (Rothman 193) who had been noted to donate large sums of money for various noteworthy

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

French History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

French History - Essay Example This is also the time when the decolonization began and France lost most of its colonial possessions. It was Charles de Gaulle, writing in his memoirs, who said that France was overburdened with history, wars and revolutions, moving endlessly from grandeur to decline. At the end of World War II, France adopted a socialist system anchored on a â€Å"thick social safety net†¦ by an extraordinary coalition of Gaullists, Socialists, Communists and Christian Democrats.† (Hoffman, 2004) This same policy which is still in effect up to this day is to lead France to economic and political stagnation which contributed greatly to the country’s declining relevance. For instance, on the premise of governance, the present French bureaucracy is colonized by its employees and unions, where it is impossible for the government to confront its people head-on and implement drastic changes.1 Some observers comment that the French have cultivated and perfected a culture of dissent. We are reminded that one of the factors that determine the amount of political influence a country has is a functioning political system that is capable of mobilizing resources for world political goals and immense ideological influence. Also, on the economic front, Guy Sorman put it best when he said that France missed the turn when it chose to languish on the economic model of social-statism – a controlled and nationalist economy – and refused a better alternative which was the liberal solution. As countries like China, United Kingdom and the US profit from capitalism, France harbored an â€Å"anticapitalist tradition, based on the high value attached to equality, and linked to powerful socialist and Catholic schools of thought.† (Hoffman, 2000) As a result, â€Å"the French economy is static relative to those around it, especially Spain and Ireland and the UK.† (Sennot, 2004) Although, France is still

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Articulate Thought Essay Example for Free

Articulate Thought Essay â€Å"Articulate speech marks [people] out as [individuals] and in some settings, this can be rather dangerous because people are often suspicious and frightened of articulateness. † (Humanities). Articulateness describes a person’s ability to express an idea coherently. A well articulated idea, concept or opinion, does not use proof based on a fallacy to back up its view. When people speak or write articulately, they are able to convey a message to others in a way that cannot be distorted. It can even be said, â€Å"[a]rticulateness builds the human community. † (Humanities) Without the ability to understand each other there would be no way for a society to function. Each person would not be able to communicate a message from his or her thoughts to another person, thus any sort of teamwork would be impossible. It is the understanding of others’ ideas told to a person in a way more specific than basic gestures or grunts that allows humans to be more successful in groups than any animal. Properly expressed thoughts are the best way to communicate in any form of society, because failing to articulate properly often leads to misinterpretation. A lack of articulation, and thus a lack of complete understanding, leads to people being misinformed. Sometimes people in power use the ability to misinform others to their advantage. By deliberately explaining campaigns vaguely so that the general public does not fully understand, people in power, or people who wish to be in power, can skew facts in their favour. â€Å"We are taught to read and write so that we can obey the traffic signs and to cipher so that we can make out our income tax† (Humanities), but people are deliberately expected to maintain only a level of intelligence sufficient to allow them to participate in society at a minimal level. People are kept in a docile state so that they will not question generally accepted ideas proposed by the government. People are only provided with education to a level insufficient to challenge the inarticulate ideas of those considered superiors. The general public is expected to automatically respect the opinions of superiors, and the people considered more powerful in society are thus able to fool the unintelligent general public. If campaigns proposed by governments were explained articulately, the people would be able to understand the true intent and make fully informed decisions. Privileged to all of the information, the general public would be able to spot any deceptions and each campaign would be subjected to scrutiny. Inarticulateness is nearly as powerful a tool as true articulateness, in some respects. By extending the human capacity of knowledge further than allowed in fundamental schooling, it is possible to overcome the system that attempts to keep society unintelligent. People are able to absorb and think about ideas of others that they have not physically met or spoken to through reading well-written literature. The more people read and are able to understand literature, the more they will develop their own articulate ideas. â€Å"As we challenge ourselves to read more and more difficult literature, we become able to extend ourselves further† (Literature). Literature allows people to â€Å"[leap] over the boundaries that usually separate us from other selves and worlds† (Literature) and increase each person’s base of knowledge substantially. It is only with prior knowledge of a subject that humans are able to intelligently articulate their ideas. However, society is not quick to embrace the powers that articulate thought gives individuals. People do not wish to pick up books unless they are necessary for their immediate success in a submissive society. â€Å"A society like ours doesn’t have much interest in literacy† (Humanities). Governments work to keep society in a level of cautious unintelligence, and are hesitant to embrace articulate ideas because they are truly powerful things. Powerful and well articulated ideas often lead to change, and change is something most people are apprehensive of. People with individual thoughts are marked out and scorned by the masses, and in many less democratic countries than Canada radical thinkers are silenced by means of intimidation or imprisonment. â€Å"Understanding and articulateness lead to [government’s] destruction† (Humanities). The government, as we know it, the system that works in a way which is not always beneficial to the general public because society remains afraid to challenge, could not exist. A well-articulated idea that goes against the government can cause upheaval in society. If people were to act on those ideas and rebel against laws put in place by the government, any sort of order would be in a state of constant flux, moving from one extreme to another. Without radicals, there would be no forward movement in humanity. Radicals such as Aristotle, who believed that there was a proper way to think and that many of the things society automatically accepts as truths are nothing more than fallacy, were scorned during their lifetimes. Many scholars’ ideas were immediately dismissed because people were frightened of their ability to articulate ideas that were radically different from those commonly held. In society there is a nature ingrained into each person, a feeling that one singled from the group will be defenseless and vulnerable. This instinct may be a result of evolution, something that humans needed in order to survive. Now it could be said the need that humans feel to conform to a group because it is presumed safer, is holding society back. Radical thinkers move humanity forward. The need for acceptance, and the desire to fit in rather than stand out in a community is something common to each person. â€Å"Young adolescents today often betray a curious sense of shame about speaking articulately† (Humanities). There is an almost paralyzing fear shared by many people, most noticeably in school children but in adults as well, of not only public speaking but also even raising their hands in a classroom setting. A child asked to give a speech to a classroom of peers about a topic, to share ideas and opinions unique to that child, will often become frightened that his or her opinions will not be shared by the rest of the class. The need for acceptance is often greater than the need to articulate and stand out. People in many cases would rather believe and agree with an idea that they have valid reason to believe to be false in order to be part of a community than voice their own opinion and be rejected. Fallacies are a barrier created by the structure of society in order to discourage articulate thought. People are often afraid of articulateness because it conveys well-formed and direct ideas, something uncommon in society. Humans are naturally afraid of something that is unfamiliar to them. An intelligent individual who thinks differently from the masses, even if his or her idea is perfectly valid and conveyed in such a way that makes their reasoning clear, are often ridiculed because society tends to accept fallacies as proof of validity. An example of a commonly believed fallacy is Circulous probando, or â€Å"thinking in circles† (Think). This term created by Aristotle, â€Å"often entails joining an intellectual herd charging round and round† (Think). The drive that humans have, the instinct to stay equal with the group both in a physical sense and an intellectual respect, leads society to want to believe in fallacies. The notion that if â€Å"everybody thinks such and such; it must be so for the simple reason that everybody thinks it is so† (Think). is safe. If everyone in the group believes a fallacy, those people are all on the same level intellectually, and there is safety in numbers. No one in the group will be singled out. The more people believe in something, be it fallacy or truth, the more likely it is that other people will believe the same simply because it is commonly accepted. This way of thinking can be detrimental to a group of people, because if the group believes in commonly held fallacies over intelligent articulate thought. â€Å"The surest way to destroy freedom is to destroy the capacity to articulate freely. † (Humanities) Without articulate freedom, human society will never progress or evolve.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Call Of The Wild :: essays research papers

Call of the Wild Jack London's thrilling epic tale of adventure and bravery, through the eyes of a part St. Bernard, part German Shepherd named Buck. Our story opens with the author describing the lifestyle of this pampered dog on the premises of his master's home, Judge Miller, in the Santa Clara valley. John London describes a particular gold rush that transpired in 1897 and it was named the Klondike gold rush. Very early in the story line, Buck is kidnapped by Manuel, one of the gardener's helpers, who's major weakness was gambling. Buck was sold to two men named Francois and Perrault. Buck was shipped to Alaska to serve as a sled dog during the Klondike gold rush. One of my favorite lines in the book is where John London writes; "Buck's first day ashore was like a nightmare." "Every hour was filled with shock and surprise." (Page 12) You can see that he is trying to convey how different his new life is now. Buck was placed among a pack of savage husky, wolf-l ike dogs. (Billie, Joe, Sol-leks, Dave, Spitz and Curly are just to name a few. After Buck had completed his wearisome labor his body had become feeble and weak. (Injuries also added to this dilemma later on.) The other savage animals that Buck is placed with, live by only one rule, the law of club and fang. Buck is placed in several predicaments where he must defend himself against the other savage animals and he is disciplined for it. Buck loved his 'master', John Thorton who saved Buck's life from Hal, Buck's master, prior to this event. Following his departure, Buck finds himself in the wild, trusting and depending on his primal instincts. Learning how to pursue his food is but one of the many milestones in the book that Buck must overcome. (Jack London describes how Buck hunted down a rabbit for food.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Homeless in Cincinnati

Contemporary ProblemsI have selected homelessness for this paper. The homeless in Cincinnati is a large job and there are many persons and organisations out at that place contending to eliminate this job in Cincinnati. One of the organisations making this is called StreetVibe. The people that work for StreetVibe are current homeless and/or former homeless persons. They contribute to the web site and newssheet by composing poesy, articles, and other types of artistic points to educate people on the homeless state of affairs in Cincinnati. This organisation provides exigency shelter, soup kitchens, medical services, lasting lodging, societal services and transitional life installations. They look for members of the community such as local companies to fall in the battle here against homelessness. Harmonizing to the article, Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness, one of the biggest challenges today is the medical status of those persons who find themselves stateless. These persons do non hold even basic health care, nor can they afford health care. Without this many everyday medical jobs can non be diagnosed or treated. The article besides discusses two grounds why homelessness is a go oning job ; drug maltreatment plays against an single seeking to acquire off the streets. They can non give up the substance maltreatment and keep a occupation, household, and other duties. Another issue that contributes to the issue of homelessness is the shutting of mental wellness installations. These persons may non hold medical resources to go on their intervention and stop up on the streets due to miss of aid in happening lodging, a occupation, etc. One of the biggest challenges confronting Cincinnati is holding an accurate history of how many stateless people there are. The people who live in the street are largely unseeable and unless sing a soup kitchen or shelter the true Numberss can non be figured. Too frequently these persons live on hillsides, under Bridgess, along the river and are really hard to acquire in touch with ( Burdell, 2001 ) . Harmonizing to the Greater Cincinnati Coalition for the Homeless, 25 per centum of the homeless in the metropolis are kids, 45 per centum are kids under 5. It is interesting to observe that 68.5 per centum of all the homeless in Cincinnati are Afro-american. It ‘s besides interesting to observe that of all the homeless in Cincinnati, 30 per centum are alcohol maltreaters and 31.5 per centum are substance maltreaters while 31 per centum suffer from some signifier of mental unwellness. This makes the occupation of human service workers really hard as these people are close and difficult to acquire to cognize every bit good as the trouble of happening them on the streets to give them assistance. Many garbage aid or are really disdainful and do non desire aid. One of the organisations in Cincinnati that assists the homeless is The Salvation Army. In 2008, The Salvation Army provided impermanent lodging for over 6,800 people. This lodging includes shelters, grownup day care installations, transitional life agreements and helping with rent and public-service corporations. One of the challenges at this clip are the figure of homeless. With the downswing in the economic system, there are more households that need aid which is seting a strain on these types of services. Presently in Cincinnati besides the Red Kettle plan, there are Adopt-A-Family and the Toy Shop plan. These plans provide are for the populace or companies to supply a household with gifts and nutrient for the vacations. The Toy Shop plan provides kids with new playthings for Christmas. Another organisation in Cincinnati that assists with homelessness is Goodwill. Goodwill ‘s biggest are of aid is in contributions of vesture, family points, autos and trucks to assist people acquire back and Forth to work or to medical attention visits. Goodwill besides provide many other services such as vocational services for preparation, reding and employment services and many other services to help veterans, kids and adult females. The lodging plan that Goodwill provides includes aid with rent, security sedimentations, furniture, public-service corporations and other points that are required for the homeless to acquire off the streets and go independent. Cincinnati has legion organisations to help the homeless, the bureaus discussed supra are the largest bureaus that provide many services, in many countries to the people of Cincinnati. These organisations provide a valuable service that provides much needed aid to the metropolis ‘s homeless. Without these organisations, the homeless in Cincinnati would hold nowhere to turn for aid with lodging, repasts, occupations, vesture and many other points.MentionsApplied Information Resources, Inc. ( 2001 ) . Homeless in Cincinnati: A Study of the Causes and Conditions of Homelessness. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from hypertext transfer protocol: // Savage, C. , Lindsell, C. , Gillespie, G. , Lee, R. , & A ; Corbin, A. ( 2008 ) . Bettering wellness position of homeless patients at a nurse-managed clinic in the Midwest USA. Health & A ; Social Care in the Community. Retrieved November 30, 2009, from EBSCOhost: hypertext transfer protocol: // vid=3 & A ; hid=2 & A ; sid=514bc4fe-bd2f-4acd-90b4-90deafd349a1 % 40sessionmgr110 & A ; bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ % 3d % 3d # db=a9h & A ; AN=34138045 # db=a9h & A ; AN=34138045 # db=a9h & A ; AN=34138045 The Greater Cincinnati Coalition For The Homeless, ( n.d. ) . Homeless Statitists. Retreived from hypertext transfer protocol: //, on December 3, 2009. The Salvation Army. ( n.d. ) .Facts and figures.Retrieved from hypertext transfer protocol: // openDocument, on December 4, 2009.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Perform a Byte-Level Computer Audit Essay

1. What is the main purpose of a software tool like WinAudit in computer forensics? Answer: WinAudit is a great free tool that will give you a comprehensive view of the components that make up your system, including hardware, software and BIOS. 2. Which items within WinAudit’s initial report would you consider to be of critical importance in a computer forensic investigation? Answer: Computer Name, OS, Security Settings for Windows Firewall, Drives, Running Programs, and Installed Programs and Versions. 3. Could you run WinAudit from a flash drive or any other external media? If so, why is this important during a computer forensic investigation? Answer: Yes, WinAudit is a portable Application. Because if you’re conducting audits on several computers, having the app on a Flash Drive can make the process much easier and more time efficient. 4. Why would you use a tool like DevManView while performing a computer forensic investigation? Answer: DevManView is an alternative to the standard Device Manager of Windows, which displays all devices and their properties in flat table, instead of tree viewer. In addition to displaying the devices of your local computer, DevManView also allows you view the devices list of another computer on your network, as long as you have administrator access rights to this computer. 5. Which item or items within DevManView’s list would you consider to be of critical importance in a computer forensic investigation? Answer: Most likely the Hdrives and USB storage devices and/or any other computer hardware on the network. 6. What tool similar to DevMan View is already present in Microsoft Windows systems? Answer: WinHEX is similar to DevMan. 7. Why would someone use a HEX editor during a forensic investigation? Answer: To see if the files and data recovered from the hard drive are original and authentic. 8. What is the purpose of a software tool like WinHEX in computer forensics? Answer: It’s a tool that can recovery important and sensitive data that has been deleted. This tool is also used for editing or whipping the info from the drive. 9. What was the proper extension of the file you analyzed using WinHEX? How did you find it? Answer: 10. Why do you need to keep evidence untampered? In order to guarantee legal admissibility? Answer: For legal reasons. So, the evidence can be used in Court. If the evidence is not authentic, it can be thrown out of court.

Friday, November 8, 2019

A Hella Cool New Dictionary Entry

A Hella Cool New Dictionary Entry A Hella Cool New Dictionary Entry A Hella Cool New Dictionary Entry By Mark Nichol Merriam-Webster, publisher of the print and online dictionary that is perhaps most widely consulted by wordsmiths in the United States, has made what some may consider an audacious decision: Hella is now officially a member of the English language. As an aficionado of etymology, I have always been pleased to have been near a word’s geographical and chronological epicenter; that’s something not everybody can boast of. Having lived near Silicon Valley, and having worked at Wired magazine during its early years, I often rubbed shoulders with neologisms back in the day. Hella is near and dear to my heart because it was the first fledgling word I recognized as such. It’s unofficially been part of the lexicon for at least four decades; I first heard it in the late 1980s, spoken by white children in Berkeley who likely had overheard black classmates use it. They, in turn, had heard it from older siblings or neighbors, who had by then been using it for years. (That’s an intriguing case study for those interested in the distinction between a word’s likely birthdate and its date of first attested, or documented, use; hella was first attested in 1987. Another curious detail is that the Oxford English Dictionary welcomed hella in 2002, fourteen years before a dictionary across the Pond gave it the thumbs-up.) Although I was an adult by then, I immediately grew fond of the word, a contraction of â€Å"hell of a† and â€Å"hell of a lot of† that modifies not nouns, like the phrases from which it came, but adjectives. It’s an intensifier, as seen in the headline for this post. But, you may splutter, hella is such an uncouth word! It sullies the dictionary with its presence. Well, so does the next Merriam-Webster entry, hellaballoo (a variation of hullabaloo, meaning â€Å"uproar†), a hick of a word if I ever saw one, though it’s older than the United States. And hellacious (â€Å"very difficult, large, or powerful†), which follows hellaballoo and goes back at least a hundred years, is a country-bumpkin cousin of hella. Why are these and so many other louche locutions in the dictionary? Because that’s what a dictionary is for- it is a record of our language’s astonishingly rich, ripe diversity. That may be a bit confusing for those who consider a dictionary to be a guide, not a museum, but hellacious isn’t exactly a dusty, brittle artifact: Five years ago, it popped up in the title of a video game, Hellacious Acres: The Case of John Glass, and it’s available for anyone who needs a rip-snorting adjective. And though I’d steer around hellaballoo, I can easily imagine using the original from which it is derived to humorously describe a cacophonous commotion. And hella? It may not belong in a business report, a textbook, or an academic journal (except for one about linguistics). But it has its place in many media: blogs, young-adult novels, youth-culture publications, and even general-circulation periodicals. If you need it, use it. The same goes for two other neologisms that have been awarded the Merriam-Webster badge of validity: TMI (an initialism abbreviated from â€Å"too much information†) and FOMO (an acronym derived from â€Å"fear of missing out†). (The distinction between initialisms and acronyms is that the former are pronounced letter by letter and the latter are pronounced as words.) It intrigued me that although I’ve been titillated for years by TMI- a protestation in response to being told more personal details than one wants to hear- I had never heard of the abbreviation for a phrase pertaining to anxiety about not being part of stimulating and/or trendy experiences. That term’s existence is a telling commentary about our increasingly vapid culture, but it’s also hella cool. (I know- irony alert!) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:100 Beautiful and Ugly WordsAbstract Nouns from AdjectivesWhen to use "an"

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb Habiter (to Live)

Learn How to Conjugate the French Verb Habiter (to Live) French verb conjugator habiter Present Future Imperfect Present participle j habite habiterai habitais habitant tu habites habiteras habitais il habite habitera habitait nous habitons habiterons habitions vous habitez habiterez habitiez ils habitent habiteront habitaient Pass compos Auxiliary verb avoir Past participle habit Subjunctive Conditional Pass simple Imperfect subjunctive j habite habiterais habitai habitasse tu habites habiterais habitas habitasses il habite habiterait habita habitt nous habitions habiterions habitmes habitassions vous habitiez habiteriez habittes habitassiez ils habitent habiteraient habitrent habitassent Imperative tu habite nous habitons vous habitez Verb conjugation patternHabiter  is a  regular -ER verb  that begins with  h  muet

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Managerial decisions Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Managerial decisions - Term Paper Example More revenue will be generated at a lower cost of production, which is an additional advantage to the company. Contract workers are paid less money than full time employees, and this will be a great advantage to the company as a whole. Introduction According to Kotler & Armstrong (2004), the elements of supply and demand in business are interrelated, and in some cases, they also affect the price of a certain market offering. However, in this case it is assumed that the price is constant and the aim is to establish how supply can be increased in order to meet the rising demand of certain goods without offsetting the prevailing market trends. Economically, if the demand for a certain product increases, then its supply also increases. This relationship will be illustrated using a supply curve later in the paper. Therefore, this paper seeks to explain in detail the relationship between supply and demand in detail and show how this can affect managerial decisions. In some cases, managers need to make decisions that do not affect the viability of the organization in the long run, trying to meet the rising demand for a certain product. ... products offered in the market remains the same, but this issue of the rising demand has to be addressed in order to cater for the needs of customers, who are valuable to the organization. It is also assumed that this increase in demand may not be permanent, and hence the need to put effective measures that do not impact negatively on the operations of the organization. Therefore, the main question to be answered in this case is: Should our company hire temporary or hire new workers to handle the increase in demand for our products? Essentially, there is a need to maintain production costs at a lower level while increasing the supply of the product offered by the company. This is meant to ensure that the company remains viable and that it is also able to operate profitably since the price is not going to change in this particular case. The only thing that will change is the supply of the products offered. An increase in supply entails that more sales are likely to be generated. This also means that more revenue will be realized from the operations of the organization. As such, a holistic approach has to be taken in order to make sure that the workers who are going to be hired will not greatly increase the operational costs, which may impact the viability of the organization. Factors or costs There are various costs that need to be taken into consideration when making managerial decisions that have economic implications on the operations of the organization. Hiring temporary workers impliedly means that the company will not incur a lot of labour costs because of the following reasons: The organization has the autonomy to determine the wage rate of the contract workers. The company does not have the burden of paying fixed salaries to these workers since this may increase

Friday, November 1, 2019

The septuagint as a result of the diaspora of Jews in Egypt Research Paper

The septuagint as a result of the diaspora of Jews in Egypt - Research Paper Example locations.1 Under the reign of several foreign kings, most of the members of the Jewish faith were removed out of Judea. These people had to adapt to the languages of the ruling empires to continue trade and commerce, aside from being under the rule of another empire. Under Persian rule, apart from Hebrew as the language of Jews, Aramaic also became the lingua franca, and eventually was accepted as an official language. So profound was the effect of the Persians that prayer books of Jews during that time were written in Aramaic.2 During the reign of Alexander the Great, there was a wide spread of the Hellenistic culture, and as a result aside from being able to speak Aramaic and Hebrew, most Jews were able to speak fluent Greek as well. The flexibility of Jews in adapting to the reigning empire’s generic laws such as the choice of languages enabled them not only to translate some of their scriptures into Aramaic, but to Greek as well. The Septuagint, also known as LXX, is a co llection of Jewish scriptures that were translated into Greek, and was believed to have been written sometime during the Ptolemaic rule in Egypt, under Ptolemy II Philadelphus’ reign (282-246 BC).3 The original title of the Septuagint is interpretation septuaginta vivorum, or â€Å"the translation of seventy men† in English, and according to some legends these 70 or 72 men were composed of six scholars from each tribe of Judea. The collection of writings was considered to be the gift of Jews to the Greek-speaking world, as described by the Jewish author Philo of Alexandria in Egypt.4 For some scholars, the prototypes or the earliest forms of the translated scriptures were called Old Greek, abbreviated as OG, and the succeeding materials were collectively known as Septuagint.5 The texts were originally composed of the translations of the Pentateuch, but other scriptures were added to the collection.6 It can be deduced that the monotheistic nature of the Jews persisted d uring several periods under different rulers, which they considered to be polytheistic or Gentile. The resilience as well as the continuous faith of the Jews in their God has been proven by a number of works that have survived numerous centuries under the reign of several empires. Thus, the Septuagint, though being described by most Hebrew scholars during its time as a controversial document due to some deviations from the original Hebrew texts, is considered a testament of the Jews staying monotheistic regardless of where they are or who the reigning emperor is. THE DIASPORA OF JEWS The idea of leaving the homeland has been a recurring theme in the history of Jews, since the time of Abraham, and being exiled is the punishment of God that is to be accepted.7 Thus most of the stories in the Pentateuch were about the exile of Jews in search of the one true God. While the numerous travels and the long durations of being away from the homeland proved to be both harsh and not, for most J ews this also served as a blessing to them, especially with regard to the continuation of the Judean